Introduction:     Best school provides best opportuni ties to make learning effective’’ .We successfully completed  the Academic Year 2015-2016 with many successful events. We proved to be excellent added with the 100%  results of grade X.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you “

Re-opening of the school: The academic year 2016-17 began with prayer of Goddess Saraswati who is the light of Knowledge, hope and peace. Students were  welcomed by the enthusiastic teachers by showering petals on them. The principal of the school smt Rajani, Patil motivated the students to develop sincere study habits including good behaviours, attitudes and values to face increasing challenge world.


Awareness programme on tobacco day was conducted by special lecturing on the ‘’ bad effects of using tobacco’’ by Doctor Vinay  Gadagi and Our students displayed play cards with messages against the bad effects of tobacco on health. Thought provoking street drama was exhibited by grade IX and X students in Sai nagar square Hubballi. Principal Smt Rajani Patil thanked the invited guest and the President of inner-wheel club. It was a grand success.


World environment day was celebrated in a very innovative way on 5th  June 2016, Awareness programmes were conducted for different grade students like “NATURE WALK ‘’FOR GRADE I and II. III and IV grade students donated saplings to the houses near vijaynagar area Hubli. For grade V to VII marched with different slogans on’ save environment’. Grade VIII to X engaged themselves in  interviewing the Vendors, shopkeepers of Unkal Sainagar on ‘’BANN OF PLASTIC BAGS’. The Esteemed Management members’ Honorable secretary Dr. N Vajrakumar and Chief Finance Officer Dr Ajit Prasad supported this event. Principal smt Rajani Patil and  Vice principal Jerusha Nadugaddi and staff members organized this programme in a systematic way.


’GOOD SCHOOL ALWAYS HAS A UNIQUE SYSTEM OF SELF GOVERNANCES THROUGH THE SCHOOL PARLIAMENT. ON July 02, 2016 SCHOOL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS WAS HELD UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THE Principal Smt Rajani Patil, Mother of Parliament Smt Renuka Bagali   and Senior staff  members. Students of class 8th ,9th  and 10th contested for the election. The contestants canvassed for the precious votes and promised the fellow students to bring new and innovative methods in all the areas concerned to the school. Crystal clear counting was done in front of all the voters and Kumar Anmol Shetty of grade 10 was elected as the President of the schoolKumari Yukti Bafna is elected as the Prime Minister of the   school and Kumar Shiva A Shankeshwar is elected as General Secretary of the school. Council of ministers was elected like Health, Education, Discipline, Excursion, Publicity Officer Cultural minister.

15th Century Indian Mystic ,Poet and Saint  Kabir Das Jayanti  was celebrated  on 20th June 2016, Hindi department Teachers conducted the special Assembly Miss Begum Senior Faculity spoke on the life history of saint Kabir Das. Principal Smt Rajani  Patil  addressed the gathering and motivated the children to imbibe good principles of life given in his famous Doha like“ Enjoy the present  moment’’, Don’t have Ego who has Ego is ruthless always.

“The Yoga way of life!’’ Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21st June 2016, celebration was done in our  esteemed  JSS SHRI MANJUNATHESHWAR  CENTRAL SCHOOL, Hubballi  with great enthusiasm. Special guest Shri  Manjunath Bavikatti. Yoga Instructor   performed various Asanas which  were  helpful for students like stress reducing asanas ,increasing memory  and will power asanas, Asanas to increase concentration  Power .  Staff and the students were dressed in whites and performed various asanas which were very beneficial .

‘’RAMZAN THE MONTH OF MERCY AND BLESSING’’CELEBRATED  ON 06 JULY 2016 BY STRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF CELEBRATING RAMZAN  SPECIAL ASSEMBLY WAS CONDUCTED . whole school was involved in the celebration. Principal Smt Rajani patil stressed on why it is called as the holy month. 

INVESTITURE CERMONY is an opportunity for the newly elected student council to pledge their Solidarity, Loyalty and devotion to investiture Academy. Conducted on 10 August 2016 The ceremony was graced by the chief guest Smt Sadhana S  Principal  of JSS  SMCS, Dharwad she commemorated the programme by lighting the lamp followed by the invocation piped the elected minister of various cadres and adhere the oath. Smt Rajani Patil  Principal of JSS SHRI MANJUNATH CENTRAL SCHOOL HUBLI.

Celebration of “70th Independence day‘’ My India My Pride’’Independence day was celebrated on 15th August 2016 with the spirit of patriotism. Various cultural programmes on the theme patriotism were conducted like House wise dance, songs , speeches and house wise   March past  competition  was a wonderful programme all the houses  marched in a systematic order followed by the flag bearers of their houses. Principal  Smt Rajani  Patil hoisted the National flag followed by national anthem. Parents, Teachers, and students made this Independence Day celebration a grand success.