
Giving wings to the vision of Padmabhushan Dr. D. Veerandra Heggadeji, with the blessings of His Holiness Sri Vishweshathirtha Swamiji of Pejavar math, and timely action of Prof N. Vajrakumar Secretary of JSS, Dharwad, and Finance Officer Dr. Ajit Prasad, the school had its humble beginning on 04.02.2011. This is the Hubli Wing of JSS’ Sri Manjunatheswara Central School, Dharwad. Set amid green surroundings of Heggeri, adjoining the pious land of Sri Siddharoodha math, and housed in the campus of Sakri Law College, the school presents the viewer a wonderful atmosphere for Learning!



JSS’ Sri Manjunatheswara Central School, Dharwad was established in 2004, to impart quality education as per curriculum of CBSE, New Dehli. Since then it has grown in stature and has over 1500 students on rolls today. It has posted excellent results in all the board exams so far. It was opined that as a large number of children commute from Hubli, another branch could be opened there itself.


Aims and Objectives-

  • Provide quality education in real terms.
  • Enable the children acquire true ‘learning’ skills, in all spheres.
  • Adopt innovative teaching techniques to give far-reaching effects ultimately set the right ‘thinking process’ in children.
  • Promote children’s’ abilities in sports, and co-curriculum activities leading to all around development of children.
  • Provide facilities to bring out the natural talents and inculcate strong moral values coupled with a spirit of natural integration.



Curriculum /Academics-

 The school offers and strictly adheres to syllabus/rules of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, is the largest educational Board in the country



Every academic year the children go through the syllabus laid down by CBSE Board. As at present the syllabus is as below:-

  1. NURSERY to UKG :

Languages             - English, Hindi, Kannada

Core subjects         - Maths, G.K, Art and Physical Education


  1. Std 1 to 5 :

Languages             - English, Kannada and Hindi

Core subjects         - Maths, Science, Social Studies.  

Work education, Art, Physical Education and Health Education


  1. Std 6 to 8 :

Languages             -English, Hindi and Sanskrit

Core subjects         -Maths, Science and Social Studies.

Work Education, Art, Physical Education and Health Education.

Apart from the above curriculum, the school offers training in the following :

Computers, Drawing, Drama, Craft, Sports, Yoga and Dancing.



School Timing:

Nursery to UKG: 9:15am to 12:20 pm.

STD 1 to 8         : Weekdays:  9:15am to 3:15 pm.

                           : Saturday   : 9:15am to 12:20 pm.

Also, last day of every month is a holiday. This is to facilitate the parents to meet teachers.






The school follows the system laid down by the CBSE Board, New Delhi.

Here, the CCE system (continuous And Comprehensive   Evaluation) is implemented, under which promotion is based on day - to – day activity of the children throughout the year, and their performance in the terminal exams also. The children’s are given grade instead of marks.

The children are tested in a host of modes ; written tests, observation, questioning techniques, quizzing, seminars, group discussions, orals, class work, homework, project work, interviews, practical’s, etc and their overall performance is rated.

Under the next phases of assessment, the children are tested for co-scholastic abilities like Life skill, Social and emotional skills, moral values, school program, environment, sports and club activities. Here also grading is given.

The final grading is awarded after taking the performance of the child in all the above categories and the main exams put together. Hence, it can be seen that the CBSE does not follow just pen – paper exam evaluation, but aims at a comprehensive assessment system.



The school is housed in an imposing building and occupies a prominent place in the campus, complete with spacious classrooms, specific departments of study, labs, etc. All rooms are neatly minted and there is an aesthetic sense in the air. Here below, is a brief of the different infrastructure offered: